It’s very nice that there are health benefits to eating cottage cheese, because it’s one of my favorite foods! I have to be careful that I don’t buy too large a tub because once I start in on one, it’s difficult to stop until the tub is empty! However, there can be such a thing as too much of a good thing. You need to watch the sodium intake, as sodium levels in cottage cheese are relatively high. But there are really some great health benefits to eating cottage cheese on a regular basis! Let’s take a look…
Cottage Cheese – An Awesome Protein Source
Cottage cheese is a protein powerhouse! A single cup of low-fat cottage cheese can provide around 27 grams of protein, making it an excellent choice for vegetarians (not vegans, of course) and anyone looking to boost their protein intake.
This high protein content helps in muscle repair and growth, making it a favored choice among fitness enthusiasts. So if getting enough protein is difficult for you, it could very well be “cottage cheese, to the rescue.”
Blood Sugar Control
Thanks to its high protein content and low glycemic index, cottage cheese can help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent sudden spikes and crashes. It’s an excellent choice for those looking to manage diabetes or maintain stable energy levels throughout the day.
Healthy Bones
Cottage cheese is a good source of calcium and phosphorus, which are essential minerals for maintaining strong and healthy bones. These nutrients are crucial for preventing osteoporosis and other bone-related conditions, making cottage cheese a great addition to your diet, especially if you’re not a fan of milk or other dairy products. That would be me – I’m not at all a milk drinker, but love cottage cheese and many other kinds of cheese.
A Healthy Heart
Cottage cheese, particularly the low-fat varieties, can contribute to heart health. It contains minimal saturated fats and is rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These healthy fats help lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Just make sure you use the low-fat varieties – the non-low-fat varieties will have more saturated fat.
Keeping Unwanted Pounds Away
One of the key benefits of cottage cheese is its ability to aid in weight management. The high protein content not only promotes satiety – that feeling of fullness – but also helps to preserve lean muscle mass during weight loss. Additionally, it’s relatively low in calories, which makes it a satisfying and guilt-free snack or meal option. Remember: only 200 calories per cup!
A Highly Versatile Food
There are so many ways you can use cottage cheese!

Of course, the first and simplest way is, you can eat it directly from the tub – which I often do in the truck. Of course, in the truck it doesn’t really matter how I eat it, since I am the only one eating it – so the simpler the better!
One of my absolutely all-time favorite ways to eat cottage cheese is to slice tomatoes and put cottage cheese and a bit of seasoning salt on top. I can’t get enough of that, it’s been one of my favorites from the time I was a child.
My wife loves cottage cheese and blueberries together.
There’s also cottage cheese and pineapple. Use it as a topping for crackers. Use it as a topping for fruit or salad! Blend it into your smoothie. Incorporate it into pancake batter to add protein to your pancakes. Add it to your sandwich as a filling. Bake with it. Blend it into sauces.
Add nuts and seeds on top of cottage cheese for an exceptionally tasty snack! Use your imagination…
The High Cost of Cottage Cheese (Not)
it depends a bit on where you live as to how much the cost of cottage cheese is relative to your entire grocery budget. However, if you count the protein grams as value received for the dollars that you pay for cottage cheese, which is very high in protein it is money well spent. In the United States, I find that cottage cheese is fairly inexpensive. It’s more expensive relatively speaking in Canada – and I can’t speak for other parts of the world!
It’s hard to beat cottage cheese as a protein source. Especially the low-fat varieties are an amazing source of protein, without a lot of added saturated fat. Calcium and other minerals are great for your bones. It’s a great food for weight loss, and great for regulating blood sugar – especially if diabetes is a concern. It will not spike blood sugar!
Don’t overdo it – as I’m tempted to do – mainly because of the high sodium content. But in moderation, together with an otherwise healthy diet – it’s a healthy, simple, and budget-friendly food that is highly versatile!
If you have any comments on how (or why) you use cottage cheese, feel free to share them in the comment section below.