Holiday Season Healthy Eating

Talking about “holiday season healthy eating” almost seems like a contradiction in terms, because at no time like during the holidays – Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, Easter – are sweets and just generally unhealthy, but extremely good-tasting, foods thrown at you from all directions! While the holidays are associated with good cheer, far too many times the good times have been ruined by eating too many wrong things and feeling absolutely miserable afterward. Or am I the only one who has experienced this? I’m thinking it’s more like 100% of us!

So let’s look at some good ideas for eating healthy and feeling good during the holidays, while “keeping it simple” and within budget.

Drink a Lot of Water!

Water is simple. Water is healthy. Water is cheap. Ergo! All of our good criteria are met. Plus: water is hydrating, and staying hydrated during the holidays, with the huge variety of foods both healthy and unhealthy that are available, is critical.

For one thing, drinking water can help to prevent overeating. No, it might not stay in the stomach long, but if you drink enough of it, it does reduce the urge to overeat – and it just enhances general health and well-being. We can’t really say enough good about water! So during the holidays, keep drinking water. Keep the other drinks – in particular, alcoholic beverages – to a minimum, and fill up on water instead! What do you think??

Plan to Eat Balanced Meals

Balanced meals have a mixture of protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber and fats. Eating balanced meals helps to prevent sugar spikes. Preventing sugar spikes prevents sugar crashes. Preventing sugar crashes prevents cravings for sugary snacks. And sugary snacks are the bane of holiday eating. So it all starts with balanced meals!

Be Active Physically

So don’t just collapse on the couch and “veg out” your entire holiday! I understand, you work hard the rest of the year, so you might feel like you deserve a holiday of sitting and doing nothing. But that’s not a recipe for a healthy holiday. I know, this is about healthy holiday eating, but the point is to get to the end of your holiday as a healthy person! That includes healthy eating – but should alway include getting some healthy exercise.

Eat Mindfully

In other words, pay attention to what you eat. Don’t eat mindlessly. Don’t just sit down with a bag of chips, and nibble your way through one bag after another, then move a tray of nuts and Belgian chocolate you got from your Aunt Jane, and nibble your way through that as well, without thinking. Enjoy each bite of food, pay attention to your body. Do I need more right now? How am I going to feel if I keep eating all these unhealthy snacks? Moderation is key!

Eat Foods Rich in Nutrients

The “decadent” desserts and rich comfort foods that are so available during the holidays are very alluring, probably much more than food that contains actual nutrition. But if you want to stay healthy during your holiday, you simply have to resist at some point, and make sure you incorporate nutrient-rich foods into your diet. Be sure to include brightly-colored vegetables, lean protein and whole grains. Then you’re getting the necessary vitamins and minerals that your body needs.


You don’t have to succumb to holiday pitfalls in the form of sweets and rich desserts! Actually, eating healthy during the holidays is as much as any a matter of preserving the healthy habits you have (hopefully) developed in your non-holiday life, and then adding (sparingly) a few of the unique and special treats that come with the holidays. That’s the healthier approach!

May your holidays be a true joy and may you be healthy enough to enjoy them to the full!

If you have any questions or comments relating to healthy holiday eating, please feel free to share them in the comments section below.





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