Inexpensive Vitamins and Supplements


We can look at the challenge of finding inexpensive vitamins and supplements from two different angles: (Amazon Affiliate Disclaimer:As an Amazon affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases) First of all, it helps to know what you need. Taking more supplements than you need means you are paying for more than you need, and of course, … Read more

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What Is The Best Rice Cooker With a Steamer?


A lot of people get it wrong every time. What? you ask. Many people simply do not know how to cook rice! They cook it the same way over and over. It’s always watery – or it always burns. They think this is just how you do it. Usually, you will find that these people … Read more

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Are Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Necessary?


Are vitamin and mineral supplements necessary? This is probably one of the more controversial topics in the health world! And it’s complicated by the fact that often the people who promote the need for supplements have “skin in the game,” so to speak. And those who downplay the need for supplements also have “skin in … Read more

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Best Foods To Eat for a Healthy Gut


What are the best foods to eat for a healthy gut? I have lots of experience trying to eat the best foods for my “gut,” having had stomach surgery years ago. But let’s take a look at what the “experts” say. Why is a Healthy Gut Important? The “Science…” The primary function of the digestive … Read more

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The Effects of Poor Diet on Health


If the effects of a poor diet on health is something you have never even really thought of…it’s highly, highly likely that you are eating a poor diet! Let’s examine this in greater detail… What Is “Poor Diet?” There’s so much unhealthy food out there, that we should almost ask the question in reverse: What … Read more

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Rice Beans Diet


The Rice Beans diet is an example (as mentioned in a previous post) of a very simple, healthful, and inexpensive diet that provides a complete protein. It fits perfectly with a vegetarian/vegan diet, as well! A Personal Experience With This Diet… The Rice Beans diet (or variations thereof) is one that I personally have had … Read more

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Easy Healthy Eating Plan – Part II


I realize, in my previous post with the title “Easy Healthy Eating Plan,” I didn’t actually give you a meal-by-meal, day-by-day plan for 7 days, 14 days, etc. So if you were looking for that, we’re not going there – at least not at the moment. What I do want to do in this post … Read more

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Easy Healthy Eating Plan


What is an easy healthy eating plan? Here I am going to be sharing some of my own thoughts and ideas that I have developed over time, as a result of my sometimes-conscious, sometimes-subconscious drive, to eat simply, cheaply, and healthily. We’ll see where this goes. Some of my thoughts have developed over the past … Read more

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What Is Healthy Eating? What Is a Healthy Diet?

What Is Healthy Eating? What Is a Healthy Diet?

What is healthy eating? What is a healthy diet? There have been many books written on this subject – and a lot of disagreement! The conclusion I have come to – even though I’m not an official “expert!” -is that, as a rule, the healthiest foods are the ones that are processed the least and … Read more

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Why Healthy Eating is Good

Firmly Establish Your “Why…” (Amazon Affiliate DisclaimerAs an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.) You might think that no one would have to be convinced as to why healthy eating is good. And no doubt most people would say “Sure!” But – how many people actually do it? A simple walk down any street … Read more

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