Top Five Foods For Longevity

Saying “top five foods for longevity” might seem to indicate that it’s super-simple; in reality, it might not be so easy, but here are some “expert” suggested foods – and I personally agree with their conclusions. Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life. One of the ways to achieve that is through what … Read more

What Are The Health Benefits Of Eating Cucumbers?


Today my boss brought cucumbers to work from her garden for the staff at our office – and I took several! Both my wife and myself like them, and I just started thinking: What ARE the health benefits of eating cucumbers? Here are some things I gleaned… Cucumbers are more than just a refreshing addition … Read more

The Four Sandwich A Day Diet: A Comprehensive Guide To A Delicious And Balanced Meal Plan

I stepped on the scale this morning, and was not overly pleased with what I saw – 9 pounds too heavy! So I think for a week or so, I’m going to revisit the 4 sandwich diet – essentially 4 sandwiches a day – and see if that does anything. I fully expect it will, … Read more

How To Have A Healthy Breakfast For $1

Breakfast is often hailed as the most important meal of the day, providing crucial fuel and nutrients to kickstart your morning. However, with rising food costs and busy schedules, many people find it challenging to enjoy a nutritious breakfast without breaking the bank. The good news is that it is entirely possible to have a … Read more

Frozen Vegetables: Health Benefits

Tonight one of the main components of my supper was just microwaved frozen peas – with some cucumber and dill dressing and season salt. Put some peas in a microwave-safe bowl, and cook for 5 minutes. Delicious! So I thought to dig a little deeper into the health benefits of frozen vegetables. In the fast-paced … Read more

Simple Foods That Increase Longevity – Inexpensively


Most people desire to live a long and healthy life, and it’s worth our consideration to think about foods that can increase our longevity. Not everyone is given the opportunity to live a long life. As a Christian, I believe the length of life is a secondary consideration; we have been given this life to … Read more

10 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee


Most people who drink coffee probably couldn’t tell you the “10 health benefits of drinking coffee,” they just know they want it, that it keeps them sane, functioning, moving…and that without coffee, life “as we know it” virtually ceases to exist! There is such a thing as coffee addiction. Regular consumption of moderate amounts of … Read more

Is Walking Good Enough Exercise?


Up until now, I’ve mostly talked about very simple, healthy, and budget-friendly food – but as almost everybody knows, exercise is another equally important aspect of good health. There are many different ways to get exercise, and there’s a whole industry built up around exercise – exercise routines, exercise equipment, gym memberships, etc. People spend … Read more