What Are The Health Benefits Of Eating Cucumbers?


Today my boss brought cucumbers to work from her garden for the staff at our office – and I took several! Both my wife and myself like them, and I just started thinking: What ARE the health benefits of eating cucumbers? Here are some things I gleaned… Cucumbers are more than just a refreshing addition … Read more

Great Food Combinations: Blackeyed Peas And Black Olives

On a whim, for my supper tonight, I took a can of black-eyed peas and a half-can of black olives, with some dill salad dressing, and mixed them together. They were absolutely delicious! So I looked online to see if my idea was new. Apparently not! Black-eyed peas and black olives can pair well together, … Read more

Why Are Lentils Healthy? – A Small But Mighty Legume


  Having just finished a bowl of lentils…I thought looking into the health value of lentils might be something worth looking into! Lentils are a small but mighty legume that has been a staple in diets around the world for thousands of years. Revered for their nutritional benefits, lentils are more than just a versatile … Read more

Is Almond Butter Better For You Than Peanut Butter?


  Is almond butter better for you than peanut butter? That is an interesting question, because almond butter, cashew butter, and some other “tree nut” kinds of butter have become much more common and popular in the last few years than previously. Before looking at the relative health benefits, though, let’s look at budget considerations … Read more

Health Benefits Of Eating Sweet Potatoes – Plus!


It’s winter – and time to focus on winter vegetables! These include sweet potatoes, butternut squash, pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. But let’s look at sweet potatoes in particular. Sweet potatoes are a very simple food, they are a relatively cheap food, they are a nutritious food, and they are an “easy-to-prepare” food. And … Read more

10 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee


Most people who drink coffee probably couldn’t tell you the “10 health benefits of drinking coffee,” they just know they want it, that it keeps them sane, functioning, moving…and that without coffee, life “as we know it” virtually ceases to exist! There is such a thing as coffee addiction. Regular consumption of moderate amounts of … Read more

Switch to a Simple Plant-Based Diet


Many people would like to follow a simple plant-based diet, because they’ve heard or believe that plant-based eating is better for you. As with most health topics, there is a lot of disagreement. However, there are a number of studies that would back up the superior health benefits of a plant-based diet. Studies That Back … Read more