How It Was In The Beginning

We don’t know exactly how it was in the beginning, when people were first created, we weren’t there. But from the Bible, we know that Adam and Eve, when they lived in the Garden of Eden, had all kinds of good food at their disposal! Genesis 2:9 (NKJV) says that “out of the ground the … Read more

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Is Almond Butter Better For You Than Peanut Butter?


  Is almond butter better for you than peanut butter? That is an interesting question, because almond butter, cashew butter, and some other “tree nut” kinds of butter have become much more common and popular in the last few years than previously. Before looking at the relative health benefits, though, let’s look at budget considerations … Read more

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Health Benefits Of Eating Sweet Potatoes – Plus!


It’s winter – and time to focus on winter vegetables! These include sweet potatoes, butternut squash, pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. But let’s look at sweet potatoes in particular. Sweet potatoes are a very simple food, they are a relatively cheap food, they are a nutritious food, and they are an “easy-to-prepare” food. And … Read more

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Simple Foods That Increase Longevity – Inexpensively


Most people desire to live a long and healthy life, and it’s worth our consideration to think about foods that can increase our longevity. Not everyone is given the opportunity to live a long life. As a Christian, I believe the length of life is a secondary consideration; we have been given this life to … Read more

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7 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

It might be hard to summarize, and say that there are exactly 7 health benefits of dark chocolate – there are probably more! – but it is, for a fact, good for you. The actual ground cacao bean – from which raw chocolate is made – is a great food. It’s the sugar and fat … Read more

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Simple and Healthy Eating – Getting Back on Track After the Holidays


The holidays can wreak havoc with any simple and healthy eating plan. Not that they would absolutely need to, but – let’s face it – it’s hard to resist all the chocolate, rich desserts, etc., that are associated with the holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s – they all feel like times when we can just … Read more

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Ideas With Protein Powder


Well, no, it’s not that the ideas have protein powder with them (!), but…maybe we need ideas about how we can use protein powder. That’s the idea! Introduction to the Need for Protein We won’t spend a lot of time on this, we’ll get to the main point about protein powder, trust me – but … Read more

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Holiday Season Healthy Eating


Talking about “holiday season healthy eating” almost seems like a contradiction in terms, because at no time like during the holidays – Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, Easter – are sweets and just generally unhealthy, but extremely good-tasting, foods thrown at you from all directions! While the holidays are associated with good cheer, far too many … Read more

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Eat Healthy and Cheap – Utilize Costco


There are many “tricks to the trade” when it comes to eating healthy, cheap, and simple – and one of them is to learn how to buy in bulk. One good way is to use the large “wholesale” stores such as Costco, Sam’s Club, Wholesale Club, etc. Costco is a very unique store in many … Read more

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10 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee


Most people who drink coffee probably couldn’t tell you the “10 health benefits of drinking coffee,” they just know they want it, that it keeps them sane, functioning, moving…and that without coffee, life “as we know it” virtually ceases to exist! There is such a thing as coffee addiction. Regular consumption of moderate amounts of … Read more

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